Is a weather balloon ascent even permitted?
Yes. Registration is very simple. You can apply for an ascent permit via email from the regional aviation authority. Additionally, you need proof of insurance.
Here you will find our tool for registering with the regional aviation authority, as well as the right contacts and tips on insurance.
Can I carry out the project myself? What if I need help?
Yes, basically anyone can carry out the project themselves. For this, we have written a detailed step-by-step guide, which is included in every Weather Balloon Kit. The manual walks you through all the important steps—from planning and technology to the flight and recovery. And if you ever get stuck, we offer free email and phone support.
Is a stratospheric flight harmful to the environment?
No. Helium is used as the filling gas, which, as a noble gas, does not react with the atmosphere. Additionally, the weather balloon is made of natural rubber, which is biodegradable. The rest of the equipment is recovered after each flight and can be reused. Unlike airplanes or rockets, a weather balloon is completely emission-free.
Can I reuse the technology?
Yes, the electronics, parachute, and styrofoam probe can be reused for future flights, making additional projects significantly more affordable. The only thing you need to replace is the weather balloon, as it bursts.
How far does a weather balloon fly?
The flight distance depends heavily on the wind direction and strength. As a rule, a flight from take-off to landing takes approx. 2.5 - 3 hours. The balloon covers an average distance of 50-150 kilometres.
How does the weather balloon get back?
A GPS tracker is built into a styrofoam probe, which gives you its exact position after landing. So you know where the technology is and you can collect it again.
What happens if the balloon lands on a road?
Here it is important to take appropriate precautions to minimise the risk. With our
flight route prediction, it is possible to calculate the flight route to within a few kilometres. If the risk of landing in heavily populated regions is too great, you can ensure that the weather balloon lands either before or after a city by varying the ascent speed, for example. To calculate the amount of helium required, use our
Helium calculator. And if damage should occur during landing (approx. 1kg is packed in polystyrene), the aircraft owner's liability insurance will cover the damage.